Please see our
Overview article for important notes regarding the Payment Request feature.
Please do not send an invoice for a monthly rent payment if the tenant already has an active recurring payment. For example, if the tenant has a recurring rent payment for the 1st you won't need to send an invoice since the recurring payment will be automatically processed.
To send an invoice to a tenant that is registered with the service please follow these steps:
1. Log in to your eRentPayment profile.
2. Go to Requests.
3. Select the Create Request button.
4. Select Payment Request for the Request Type.
5. Select the property you would like to send the invoice to.
6. Select the particular tenant you would like to send the invoice to. If you would like to send it to all registered tenants of the property select N/A - Any.
7. Select the Month/Year the invoice is for.
8. Select the Payment Type for the payment you are requesting, such as Rent Payment, Utility Payment, Security Deposit, Pro-Rated Rent Payment, etc.
9. Enter the Amount of the payment.
10. For "Rent Payment" types select the Late Fee option:
- None: No late fee will be charged to the tenant.
- Use Property Settings: The Late Fee will be calculated based on the property settings.
- Use Specified Amount: Only the amount you specify will be charged for the Late Fee.
11. Select "Add Additional Payment" if you are requesting multiple payment types from the tenant, such as a Pro-Rated Rent Payment for one payment and Security Deposit for the second payment.
In the example below we are requesting a $1200.00 "Rent Payment" for 06/2017 with a set Late Fee of $50.00 along with a second "Utility Payment" of $30.00 from the tenant.
12. Enter the information for the second payment, if selected.
13. Select the Due Date of the payment.
14. Enter a Description for the Payment Request, which will be visible to the tenant.
15. Select Submit.
16. An email will be sent to the tenant with the Payment Request details and the tenant will be able to see the Payment Request on his or her dashboard when they log in.