How to Add a Recurring Payment

For additional recurring payment articles, please visit Recurring Payments

To add an automatic recurring payment please follow these steps:
Note: If you are setting up bi-monthly payments you will add two monthly payments, for example one on the 1st and one on the 15th.

Note: If you are adding a recurring payment after the Day of Month you prefer, such as you are adding a recurring payment on the 2nd of the month but want the payment to process on the 1st, add the recurring payment to start the next month.  You will then be able to submit a one-time payment for the current month.  For example, if you are adding a recurring payment on September 2nd add the recurring payment to start October 1st and submit a one-time payment for September at Payments--Make Payment.  
If you are setting up bi-weekly or weekly payments please note there will be 26 bi-weekly payments in a year and 52 for weekly payments as we don't skip any payments if there are more than 2 or 4 payments in a month.  
1. Log in to your eRentPayment profile
2. On the Dashboard select the Add button in the Active Recurring Payments section or go to Payments--Recurring Payments and select Add New.  For Mobile users select the Recurring Payment menu option then the Add New Payment button.
If you see a Red bar indicating you have a pending bank account verification, such as in the example below, you will need to click the bar to complete the bank account verification before you can add a recurring payment.
3. On the Add Recurring Payment screen select/enter the following:
- Payment Interval of either Monthly, Bi-weekly, or Weekly
- Day of Month: This is the day of month you want the monthly payments to process on or the start date for Bi-weekly and Weekly payments.
- End Date: This is for Monthly Payments as this is the last payment you want processed.
- Number of Payments:  This will only be displayed for Weekly and Bi-weekly payments as you will enter the number of payments to process.  If you want a year of payments to be processed you will typically enter 26 for Bi-weekly payments and 52 for Weekly payments.
- Amount: Enter the payment amount as just a number, for example 1000.00 instead of $1,000.00 as commas are not necessary.
- Payment Type: Rent Payment, Fee, Utility Payment, or Other.
- From Account: Select the verified bank account to use for the payment.  If a different bank account is necessary then you will need to add and verify the bank account in the Profile--Renter Accounts section first.
- For Property: Select the property the payment is for in case you are registered to multiple property records.
- Transaction Fee: If the property has a Transaction Fee you can select this option if you want the fee debited at the same time as the payment instead of the default week later.
In the Example below we are setting up a Monthly $1,000.00 Rent Payment to start 10/01/2017 through 09/01/2018 on the 1st of each month:
4. Select Add to submit the recurring payment.  Select Submit for Mobile users.
5. You will receive a confirmation that the recurring payment was added and you can review it on the Recurring Payment screen.