On our system you have the following options for bank accounts that are no longer used:
1. You can deactivate the bank account so it remains on the system but doesn't appear on any of the payment or property pages.
2. For a bank account that you have not used to submit or receive a payment with you can delete the bank account.
3. For a bank account you have used to submit or receive a payment with you can purge the bank account so that the account number is removed from the system.
To deactivate and purge a bank account please follow the steps below:
1. Log in to your eRentPayment profile
2. On the Dashboard select Bank Account or go to Profile and select the Renter Accounts or Manager Accounts option depending on what type of user you are.
3. Click on the bank account you would like to deactivate
4. If you haven't used the bank account: Select the Delete button and disregard the other steps below.
If you have used the bank account: Uncheck the Active box.
*If the Active boxed is grayed out please see the notes below.*
5. Select Submit.
6. Click on the bank account again.
7. Select the Purge button to purge the account number from the system.
*If the Active box is grayed out this means there is either a recurring payment associated to the bank account or a property and you should follow these steps based on the type of user you are:
If you are a Renter be sure to add your new bank account under Bank Account using the Add Account button first then:
1. Go to Payments and choose Recurring Payment
2. Click on your existing Recurring Payment record(s)
3. Change the From Account to the new bank account
4. Select Save Changes
5. You can now go to Bank Account and follow the steps to deactivate the old bank account.
If you are a Manager, add the new bank account under Common Tasks: Bank Account using the Add Account button and then:
If you aren't using Master Settings:
1. Hover over Properties and choose Properties You Manage/Own
2. Click on the edit button next to the property the bank account is associated with
3. Scroll down and change the Receiving Account (setting #19) and any other bank account fields, such as Security Deposit account, Application Fee account, and Transaction Fee account, to the new bank account.
4. Scroll down and select Save Changes.
5. Repeat this step for any other properties.
6. Go to Bank Account and you should now see no properties associated to the old bank account and you can now follow the steps to deactivate it.
If you are using Master Settings:
1. Go to Profile and then select Master Settings.
2. Go to the Bank Account tab.
3. Change the Main Bank Account and Security Deposit and Application Fee bank account fields, if necessary.
4. Select Save Changes.
To delete a bank account that hasn't been used with a transaction:
1. Log in to your eRentPayment profile
2. Under Common Tasks select Bank Account
3. Click on the bank account you would like to delete
4. Select the Delete button.
To purge the bank account number from the system for a bank account that has been used with a transaction:
1. Log in to your eRentPayment profile
2. Under Common Tasks select Bank Account
3. Click on the bank account you would like to purge.
4. Make sure to deactivate the bank account first using the steps above, if necessary, if the Purge button isn't visible.
5. Select the Purge button.
6. Select Purge when prompted.
7. This will remove the bank account number from the system so that only the routing number remains.