You may notice the new logged in pages have changed as we released our new internal navigation and update on 11/12/2015 to improve the service. Here is a summary of the recent changes:
1. There is now a Dashboard feature for all users upon logging in that displays recent transactions along with common tasks:
2. The internal navigation has been updated so all of the navigation is now at the top of the screen. Here are the sections each type of user will see:
-Properties: List of properties currently registered for the profile
-Payments: Search section, One-Time Payments, and Recurring Payments
-Profile: Profile and Bank Accounts
Property Managers/Landlords:
-Properties: List of properties and the Forms/Steps section where you can provide instructions to new tenants
-Payments: Search section, Recurring Payment, Refund Payment, Credit History, and
Add Manual Transactions and Expenses
-Profile: Profile, Master Settings, and Bank Accounts
-Applications: Applications and Application Settings
-Reports: Monthly, Deposit, and Accounting Reports
3. We also made the following improvements/enhancements:
- You can now save an application as a file.
- On the Application Search page you can search by Either Archived option.
- You can delete a Manual Transaction or Expense now.
- When clicking on a transaction the details will be displayed near the top of the search results instead of in a separate window.
- There is a Print View option for individual transaction records.
- When a one-time payment is submitted there is an improved warning to ensure the Month/Year is correct and whether the transaction fee should be scheduled at the same time as the rent payment.
- The Monthly Report now lists all transactions records, for registered users or for manually entered manual transactions.
- The Deposit Report improved for viewing deposit dates and totals for each day along with a Net Deposit amount.
- The Accounting Report now lists any refund payments submitted, excluding Deposit Refund payments.
Property Records:
- When a tenant is being removed from a property a warning will appear if they have a pending payment in case the payment needs to be voided.
- Validation message and focus improved if any required fields are missing.
- The property contact information displayed to tenants to verify the property contact information now uses the property contact name instead of the profile name.
- If a property is disabled a different message is now displayed to tenants instead of that the property was not found.