How can a property manager view registered tenants?

1. Log in to your eRentPayment profile.
2. Go to Properties.
3. Go to Renters.
4. Any registered tenants will be displayed in the list.  You can use the Group By field to group the tenants by property if you prefer.  
5. To view any active recurring payments for the tenant and/or the status of the tenant's bank account verification click on the tenant's name, as indicated in the green box above.
6. To view the credit reporting configuration for the tenant click on the Write icon, as indicated in the blue box above.
7. To remove the tenant and any active recurring payments click on the red X button, as indicated in the red box above.
8. Once you click on the tenant name the details for his or her recurring payment and bank accounts will be displayed.  
9. In the example above the tenant has one active recurring payment for $1200.00 scheduled through 05/01/2019.  The tenant also has one Verified bank account and one Pending bank account.
10. The Bank Accounts Verified field will display the following:
  • Required: The tenant has added the bank account, however the tenant has not started the bank account verification process.
  • Pending: The tenant has started the bank account verification process, however the tenant has not entered the two small amounts deposited to his or her account to complete the bank account verification.  Or the tenant has not received the test deposits yet.
  • Verified: The tenant has completed the bank account verification process for that bank account.
  • Failed: The bank account verification failed for the bank account, such as an incorrect routing or account number
11. To close the information click on the tenant's name again.