What are the transition steps for a tenant?

No action should be required by tenants

We will automatically migrate all tenant information to the new platform once you complete the Rent--Payment Accounts process.  Tenants should not need to register or re-enter any details on the new platform.  Until you complete the migration steps, your tenants will continue to process payments on the eRentPayment platform, including one-time or automatic payments.  

The following will be completed automatically once you complete the final Bank Account migration step:

1. Tenant profile migrated to new platform.
2. Bank accounts and any active recurring payments migrated to new platform.
3. Username on new platform will be tenant's email address.

All tenants may continue to log in to eRentPayment and the tenants should be re-directed to the new platform automatically.   

We are not sending an email to tenants notifying them of the migration since the tenants should automatically re-direct to the new platform.  Thank you.

When the tenant is re-directed to the new platform, they should see a similar screen: