To change the bank account you receive payments with using eRentPayment, please follow these steps depending on whether you are using the Master Settings option:
If you are not using Master Settings:
1. Log in to your eRentPayment profile
2. Select the Profile option then the Manager Accounts option.
3. Select Add Account
4. Enter a nickname for the new bank account and ensure it is a different nickname than the existing bank accounts you have in the system.
5. Enter the Routing Number and Account Number of the new bank account.
6. Select the Account Type
7. Select Submit
8. Select Properties in the top menu.
9. Click on the Edit option for property record you want to change the bank account for.
10. Go to the "5. Bank Account" tab.
11. Change the Primary Receiving Account field to the new bank account you added.
12. Scroll down and select Update Property.
13. Repeat Steps #9 through #12 for any other property records you want to use the new bank account.
14. When you are finished you can select Accounts again to confirm the properties are correctly associated to the new bank account.
15. If you are no longer using the old bank account you can click on it, uncheck the Active box, and select Save to disable it.
If you are using Master Settings:
1. Log in to your eRentPayment profile
2. Select the Profile option then the Manager Accounts option.
3. Select Add Account
4. Enter a nickname for the new bank account and ensure it is a different nickname than the existing bank accounts you have in the system.
5. Enter the Routing Number and Account Number of the new bank account.
6. Select the Account Type
7. Select Submit
8. Select the Profile option then the Master Settings option.
9. Go to the Bank Account tab.
10. Change the Main Bank Account field to the new bank account.
11. Change the Security Deposit and Application Fee bank account fields if you need to update those fields to the new bank account also.
12. Select Save Changes.
13. If you are no longer using the old bank account you can go to Profile, then Manager Accounts, click on the bank account, uncheck the Active box, and select Save to disable it.